2024 -2025 We have Nursery and Reception Spaces. Please come to look around St Louis.

St Louis still has spaces available for 2024-2025 in our Reception Classes.
Our Reception classes are smaller than some other schools with 23 children as a maximum and a team of experienced teachers and teaching assistants developing our little ones to be confident readers, great mathematicians and independent learners. As a Catholic school, we welcome children of all faiths and none. 10% of our teaching time is Religious Education, and we learn about other faiths as part of this. In our recent Parent Survey, families told us:
"The pupils are well-behaved, happy and kind. There is a large range of extracurricular activities to choose from. Children are supported in their personal development."
"I love the friendship groups, the teachers, helping the child to be independent."
"The teaching assistants are providing invaluable support to the students in a nice environment."
"Everyone is lovely. My daughter’s teachers are amazing, working together for my daughter to have perfect knowledge, education and faith."
"My child loves going to school and comes out happy. This speaks volumes for me as a parent. She is also chatty about all the things she’s learning with us at home".
Please contact us to arrange to look around. You will be warmly welcomed.
We also have spaces in our nursery.
Places are available in our lovely nursery from September 2024 for children born between the 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021. We offer from 15 hours per week to 30 hours per week
We are proud of our play-based early years' curriculum at St Louis where the staff support the children to extend their learning through skillful interactions based on the children’s interests, within a clear and confident Catholic context. An emphasis is placed on the prime areas of learning in Early Years Outcomes:
Communication and Language;
Physical Development; and
Personal, Social and Emotional Development.
Developing children’s skills in these areas of learning helps them to be ready for Reception.
In addition, we believe that there are times when more formal instruction is necessary and we teach phonics, numeracy and RE through age-appropriate adult-led teaching sessions. Please visit us soon.