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St Louis Catholic Academy

St Louis
Catholic Academy

Reflective RE

KS1 have been having some excellent reflective discussions during RE this term. They're making fantastic links between their learning in class and the Chaplain-led assemblies on Friday mornings too! As part of our Lenten preparations for East, Deacon John paid us a visit last week to chat with us about saying sorry and forgiveness. The children made some lovely contributions; Deacon John was very impressed!

  • Zaccheaus - we clarified that he was a 'tax collector' rather than a 'taxi drive'!

    Zaccheaus - we clarified that he was a 'tax collector' rather than a 'taxi drive'!
  • Retelling the story of Jesus calling Simon - part 2.

    Retelling the story of Jesus calling Simon - part 2.
  • Retelling the story of Jesus calling Simon - part 1. What a brilliant effort!

    Retelling the story of Jesus calling Simon - part 1. What a brilliant effort!
  • We created our own coins and wrote 'freely give' on them during our learning about the widow's mite and tying it in with almsgiving and our 'Golden Thread' - 'freely you have received, freely give'.

    We created our own coins and wrote 'freely give' on them during our learning about the widow's mite and tying it in with almsgiving and our 'Golden Thread' - 'freely you have received, freely give'.
  • Our wonderful visit from Deacon John.

    Our wonderful visit from Deacon John.
  • In a couple of our prayer times this term, Rowan have been talking about Colossians 3:12-14.

    In a couple of our prayer times this term, Rowan have been talking about Colossians 3:12-14.